Lewes Little League is the oldest and largest youth organization in the City of Lewes and serves over 550 local youth throughout the year. Your sponsorship will directly pay for the cost of field maintenance, uniform shirts and hats, and many of the capital improvement projects during the spring of 2025.

Please consider being a sponsor and becoming a part of our exciting league. There are many ways that you and your company can help support our youth. Whether it’s through a Team Sponsorship, an Outfield Sign Sponsorship, or a Capital Improvement Sponsorship, your support is greatly needed and extremely appreciated by all of our youth and our surrounding community.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and helping our league and our youth, please contact us at 
[email protected]. Please send all donations marked as “Sponsorships” to the following:

Lewes Little League
PO Box 107
Lewes, DE 19958

Click here for 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities


The price for a business to sponsor a team for the 2025 season is $350.


All new outfield signs or new replacement signs will need to be purchased through Arena Signs in Rehoboth Beach, DE. Signage size, material, and backing color has been established at Arena’s for Lewes Little League to help create uniformity of all outfield signs. The design on the visible portion of the sign will still be determined by you, the sponsor. All new signs will be approximately 3′-6″ x 6′-6″. Please contact Ed at Arena Sign’s (302-644-8300) for a price on new signage utilizing Lewes Little League’s specifications.

The 2025 price for a business to place a sign on our outfield fence is $150 for a one-year commitment.


Anyone can help us continue to complete our Capital Improvements – new scoreboards, new batting cages, new fencing around fields, etc.

  • $5,000 – Home Run Sponsor
  • $2,000 – Triple Sponsor
  • $1,000 – Double Sponsor
  • $500 – Single Sponsor
  • Amount of Your Choice

Local Sponsors